Yung Filly (full name Andres Felipé Barrientos) is a Facebook and Instagram star who has millions of followers, he shares her pictures and videos with the world. He is well known as an Internet comedian most famous for being a member of the U.K.-based comedy group The Wall of Comedy
Yung is 25 years old as of 2020, he was born on August 6th, 1995 in South East London, England. He celebrates his birthday on August 6th every year and his birth sign is Leo.
Yung stands at an average height and moderate weight. He appears to be quite tall in stature if his photos, relative to his surroundings, are anything to go by. However, details regarding his actual height and other body measurements are currently not publicly available. We are keeping tabs and will update this information once it is out.
Fillyhas an estimated net worth of $400 thousandas of 2020. This includes his assets, money and income. His primary source of income is his career as a Comedian. Through his various sources of income, Filly has been able to accumulate a good fortune but prefers to lead a modest lifestyle.
He is a Facebook and Instagram star who has millions of followers who shares pictures and videos with the world.
He is 25 years old as of 2020, he is an English national born on August 6th, 1995 in South East London, England.
He stands at an average height, he has not shared his height with the public. His height will be listed once we have it from a credible source.
Filly’s girlfriend is not known to the public—if he is dating, he likes to keep his personal life private hence information about his dating life is under research.
Fillyhas an estimated net worth of $400 thousandas of 2020. This includes his assets, money and income.
At the moment, we do not have the exact salary of his but we’ll keep tabs and update once it is available.
Because of security reasons, he has not shared his precise location of residence. We will immediately update this information if we get the location and images of his house.
He is alive and in good health. There have been no reports of him being sick or having any health-related issues.
He is still an active participant in the creative entertainment industry. He is known as an Internet comedian most famous for being a member of the U.K.-based comedy group The Wall of Comedy